Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29, 2014

   How is everyone?! I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! And hopefully my prayers are being answered and everyone is happy and safe as can be! :)
The past two weeks have been incredible! Here is the brief rundown...
   We had an awesome Family Home Evening with Hermana K...and dinner was included! She made the rice and bananas and P and I were in charge of the chicken and papas! Here in Ecuador they have something really popular called Papi-Pollo...TOO GOOD! The US is missing out for sure! 
   Last week Elder P and I were walking home from the cyber and this drunk dude came up to us...he was selling Tortillas...and he was very persistent! To the point where we were starting to feel a little threatened so we gave in and bought...and then he insisted on watching us...long story short it took my stomach a while to recover from that one...don't buy from drunks!
   Still working on the house of one of our converts...still playing football with bricks! Way too much fun! We still have a ways to go with their house but it is so fun to help out such and incredible family! I love serving the members and people in general here. It is one of the grandest blessings as a missionary.
   Kinda a cool story...The Lord works in mysterious ways! I was with the ward mission leader and Elder G was with a member on a split...we were supposed to meet back up at the house of the mission leader at a specific time so we could leaved from there to our house together. The time rolled around but I felt prompted to just keep I did. We ended up running into Elder G quite a ways away...and we walked far enough that we didn't need to take a taxi to our house so we just decided to walk...and on our way we found TWO amazing families who we are now teaching. They are AMAZING! And had we not have kept walking, we would not have had to walk home...and would not have found these two families who The Lord has prepared for the message of this true and restored gospel. FOLLOW THE PROMPTINGS OF THE SPIRIT! He will guide you to the path that you need to take...more importantly he will guide you to others paths that need YOU.
   I was with Elder P and we were teaching a woman who runs her own little store. She sells candy, toiletries, drinks, etc...and we were teaching her about the word of wisdom. THE INSTANT we told her that coffee was against the word of wisdom she responded, "Oh no, I am a sinner". After learning that she was breaking a commandment of our Heavenly Father she decided to stop drinking coffee...and even cooler...she does not sell it in her store anymore! How neat!?? She is such a humbling example to me of what it means to sacrifice and what it means to rely on and follow The Lord and His teachings. I have full faith that the window of Heaven will open over her head and the blessings will poor out upon her and her family.
   We also had another BBQ with K...she is always asking to feed us! And of course we always accept! Haha! She was in charge of the rice and bananas again and P and I cooked the meat...I accidentally burnt a piece :/ She just laughed it off and made sure to give it to Elder G! Haha! SSHHHHH ;)
   Our ward had a Christmas was Disco Themed! SO neat! To bad I couldn't get down with my bad self as a missionary! Haha! It is hard to go from buck wild to nothing...but I did it! Tons of our investigators ended up going and having a good was really an awesome activity.
   We got to go to the temple with the youth in the ward too this past week! Such an awesome experience! Elder P and I did confirmations! How cool it was to see our converts make it to the House of The Lord. One of the best feelings in the world by far. Indescribable. Unreal. The joy of seeing people change through becoming closer to our Savior is my most favorite thing in the whole world.
   I had to lend my suit to one of our converts for a party of his two weeks ago...still have not got it back...haha! Hopefully it shows up sooner or later...but I have been wearing Elder P's...and I am sure it would have fit me 5 months ago but now it is a little baggy...haha.
   The final between Barcelona and Emelek was this past week too. They are two teams from Guayaquil...and the rivalry is INSANE! Emelek ended up winning and the streets went wild! Wild to the point of danger! Flipping tables, throwing chairs, parades, drinking, and moshes. If only the people here were as passionate about conference as they are about soccer! ;)
   Last week was the BOMB! We got to spend P-DAY in Guayaquil...we saw HUGE paper sculptures. A big thing here on new years is to make paper sculptures and stuff them with bombs and fireworks. As soon as it is the new year they light them off..I am pretty pumped for that! I hear it is pretty awesome! And the sculptures are pretty impressive...
   On the 23rd, we had our mission Christmas party fiesta thingy...with all 250 missionaries! It was awesome! We all stuffed in one chapel so it was pretty packed. And I reunited with Elder J! It was so tight to kick it with the homie for the night. And we both spent the night at the temple hotels so we spent that whole day that dude! We had a quick conference with the President on the 24th and then headed home.
   We got back to Ventanas around 6ish on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve here is a whole lot bigger than Christmas day. We had tons of dinners and visits with members. So much fun! The streets were wild! It still did not feel like was hot, humid, and the trees branches flow up instead of down! ;) Elder P and I had our own little Christmas with the packages that our fam bams sent us which was fun...we went out on Christmas day and gave candy and toys to the niños, which was the highlight of the day by far! Did my laundry, studied, and ate some rice. So it was a pretty normal day in the mission...but a normal day in the mission is the best day ever not in the mission. I still got to put a plaque over my heart and represent our Savior! Which is the greatest gift ever!
   A member bought me a coconut...when I was drinking the milk I accidentally dropped it...they have so much built up pressure in the coconuts that when it hit the ground it exploded all over me! haha! SO there is my moment...
   Obviously seeing the family was amazing. Man do I have a beautiful mother! So good to see how happy my family was! And it made me more and more grateful for them every second I was talking to them...and more and more excited to work hard and help other families have what I have. We ended our Skype session with a prayer...half way through the prayer I felt something on my leg...I looked down and there was a MASSIVE Cockroach...I had to swallow my fear and finish strong soon as I said amen I lost it! I swiped him off my lap and finished the i thought...but, the next day I reached in my back pack to get my camera and the first thing I felt were little fuzzy legs and scraggly antennas. These cockroaches are endless!
We got 2 whole hours to chat with our sweet missionary! It was so good to see and hear him - he is doing well and is so happy. :)

The kids prepared a One Direction song to sing to Elder Noll and he LOVED it!

Elder Noll Happy, Happy, Happy! 

A Missionary Mom's favorite gift...all her kids together :)

   I am honestly having such an awesome time here! There are so many other stories I have but we would be here for days! And I do not have a whole lot of time!
   This time of year I am always overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of repentance. With the new year we have the chance to set new goals and start the year out blessed we are to have the chance to start fresh every day of our lives through the Atonement of our Savior. I love the end of the 10th chapter of 2Nephi. We are told to "cheer up our hearts"and to choose for ourselves everlasting life or death. In today's terms...HEY! Lighten up! You are making your own decisions! Don't blame anyone else. YOU have the chance to make your OWN decisions...and your decisions will lead you to your destination.
The choice is yours.
It follows by inviting us to be "reconciled to God". To remember Him. To be like Him. And there is NO WAY that we can be even somewhat similar to Him with the spots of the world...being the sinners that we all are. That is why being reconciled to God through repentence is so important. It will make the difference between happiness and misery. Light and dark. It is the difference between life and death, Brothers and Sisters. Reconcile and repent. With every fiber of your soul every single day. Through repentance we can become cleansed from the spots of the world. We will become more like our Savior. Every time we kneel before our Heavenly Father and BEG for His forgiveness we are one step closer to coming forth on the morning of the first resurrection and inheriting the Kingdom of God.
It is not too late! It is never too late. Repentance is always available to anyone...and it is only made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ which was, is, and alway will be eternal. Never feel like you are hopeless or helpless...because if we have two things in this life with the Atonement it is HOPE and HELP. No matter what. NO matter the situation, who you are, where you are, or what you have done. The Lord´s only invitation for YOU is the come unto Him.
Choose TODAY. Our Savior is waiting to embrace you fully with His everlasting love.
I love the focus on Jesus Christ this time of year. His birth is so important...He was and still is the greatest gift that the world has ever known...
But, the baby grew up, Brothers and Sisters.
Rather, let us focus on the life that our Savior LIVED. Not just the fact that He was born.
Focus on the fact that the God of the Universe descended below all so that He could know, feel, and succor YOU perfectly. SO that you could be forgiven. So that you could return to live with your Heavenly Father again. So let's go there! Let's reconcile ourselves! Let's accept His invitaion and come unto Him through repenting daily and be cleansed through the Atonement and grace of God.
Choose TODAY!
   I testify, in His holy name, that the only way to inherit the Kingdom of God is through repentance which is made possible through the most loving, powerful, and eternal act in the history of the world; the Atonement.
He is ready for your return...He always is.
Love you all so much! I know I say that every week but it is so true!
Happy New Years!
Elder Noll

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22, 2014

Hey All!
I do not have any time at all really! :/ We are headed to Guayaquil for the next couple of days and we have to head out in a little bit! That being said...I will have to update you all about this past weeks adventures next week. But that means twice the stories, twice the awesomeness, and twice the GRINGO! I do want to leave time for a spiritual message though!
   How incredible is the life of Jesus Christ? I can´t even begin to wrap my head around all that He did and continues to do for me. We could start with, ´´and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room in the Inn´´. That is pretty humbling...never mind the fact that He is the first born Son of God, creator of the universe, and sent to the earth to take upon Himself the sins of all existence. With all this in mind...Baby Jesus just kicks it in a manger. It does not matter where we are from or where we are now...only where we are GOING. Only what we do with the circumstances that we are given. The Savior understands ALL when there is no room in the Inn and you are forced to stay out in the streets...when you feel cast out, hurt, and alone...remember who was born first in those circumstances...and look to Him with faith.
   Now everyone think back to what you were doing when you were 12 years old...
Probably nothing very productive! I was more than likely watching the Vikings lose a football game while obsessing over my new Facebook account! Haha! And what was our Savior doing at the young age of 12? ´´Going about His Fathers work´´. This is not only for 12 year olds, but for all of us! It does not matter how old you are, where you are, if you are scared, or if you don´t feel ready...Go about your Fathers work! He needs you! And to be need this work! One thing I have come to find in these short 4 months is that I need this mission, this message, and these people a whole lot more than they need me! You are old enough. Don´t be scared. And when it comes to being ready...who is EVER ready? That´s what The Lord is for!
   A little later on in Christ´s life He is Baptized. WHAAAAATTTTT??? What an incredible example. Our LITERAL PERFECT Brother was Baptized.
´´And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfill all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!´´
   For those who have been Baptized...continue to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ every day by living EXACTLY like He did, in EXACTLY every way, in EXACTLY every moment. Live in a way that when people think of you...they think of Him. For those who have not followed in the footsteps of our Savior and been Baptized, (EXACTLY how He was Baptized) the invitation is the same. Take upon yourself His name. There is always room in the Kingdom of God. I testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true and restored Gospel. I testify that it is the ONLY true church on the face of the earth.
´´ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism.´´
I testify that the Heavens will open as they did for Jesus Christ and as they did for me...and as they do for all whom are Baptized in the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS:
The heavens will open and the Holy Ghost will descend upon you. The heavens will open and you will receive blessings in every single aspect of your life. Blessings beyond comprehension. The heavens will open and you will forever have a home in the presence of our Heavenly Father.
The lists of amazing things that our Savior did could go on forever. Literally...forever. How many times did He heal the sick, cast out spirits, or comfort the poor? He walked on water and raised a man from the dead!
I guess the moral of this message is to remember Him in all things. ESPECIALLY DURING THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON. Remember why we are celebrating and what we are actually celebrating. Remember who was born and what He did for you. Above the bikes, clothes, cell phones, and toys...remember the best and most greatest gift of all...Our Savior. His life. His Atonement. He is the best thing that ever happened and will ever happen to the universe.
Remember Him by remembering others. Remember your friends...your family...and every human being to walk the face of the earth...besides yourself. Above all though...remember your Savior and His life. Remember your Heavenly Father.
Look to The Lord´s light...the light that was gifted to us. There is no greater gift. There is no greater light.
Nuestro Salvador y Redentor nació. El vivió. El vive...y Su amor es para siempre.
Merry Christmas from thousands of miles away!
I love you all so much!
Have an incredible holiday! Be safe!
Love, Elder Noll

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15, 2014

   What a week! On Monday and Tuesday everyone in our house was super sick. We can not figure out what it was though! We think it has something to do with the millions of mystery bugs flying around the house...just a guess though!? I will let you all know after further investigation! :)
   So, we ended up going to Quevedo again for another conference which was awesome! It is so good to hear from Presidente Riggins...he is such an incredible man! And seeing your #1 homie since Kindergarten is always a plus! Elder J is still doing great! Still a stud! Still a goof and I am still better looking...but he is doing great!
   Good grief...I was on a split with the Ward Mission Leader and walking in the middle of the street was a HUGE man. Absolutely GIGANTIC...and I guess he was so big that the dude on the motorcycle did not see him! This giant got DRILLED by the motorcycle from behind and went FLYING. I thought he was dead. NO LIES. After causing a shock-wave after hitting the ground he bounced right back up and just strutted his stuff off. What on earth does he put in his rice? So that was quite the visual experience!
   On Wednesday night there was a big soccer game...we were walking back to the house and passing a restaurant right when Barcelona (a team from Ecuador) scored. Everyone in the streets and in the restaurant...and everywhere really...went absolutely nuts! Throwing tables and flipping chairs! They take things pretty seriously here! Haha! We made it out of the rush and I felt a little tickle on my arm...when I looked down there was a huge cockroach crawling on my arm. I tried to swipe it off but it eventually made it up onto my shirt, up to my neck, and DOWN MY COLLAR! I lost it! Luckily it crawled right back out and I eventually smacked it off...Unluckily...I think I peed a little...those things are scary.
   The other day Elder P and I taught a guy from the 666. I was really timid at first...but we should NEVER judge. This man was INCREDIBLE! He was the nicest and most receptive guy ever! He already has a testimony of Joseph Smith! How cool!?
   Ah man...I woke up the other day with painted nails...PINK! Haha! Freaking Elder P! I couldn't scratch it off so I had to go ask around for nail polish can imagine the looks I got when they saw me with my pink nails...I am going to get him back though! Don't worry! ;)
   We got to do service again! I was kind of back in the football days! I was on top of the roof and the Hermanos below would chuck the bricks from below up to me and I had to catch them and put them in place. So that was a good time. I got to throw a couple up too...lets just say I should stick with Receiver! 
   We had a super fun family night with a super cool family with all 4 of the Elders in our house. When we were on our way home Elder P snuck up behind me, un-tucked my shirt, and then took off down the middle of the street...such a punk! But I went after him. Gringo VS Gringo...We were getting all sorts of stares! Haha! I eventually caught him...I could not do a whole lot so I just un-tucked his shirt too...hahah. Then we bought a role of toilet paper and played football on the way back to the house. People from Guatemala should probs stick to soccer! Haha! But it was super fun and super funny!
That was pretty much this week!
The mission had cambios...I honestly can't remember the word in English...but I am going to kick it with Elder G for a little longer! We are pumped to still be working together! 
   This weeks message is on our obligation to sacrifice...and boy is it hard! How can we possible be expected to "straightway leave our nets, and follow Him." or to "offer up our whole souls unto him"? Brothers and Sisters, I believe it is pretty simple. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has and ALWAYS will require sacrifice. In the history of the church some pretty incredible people have been asked to do some pretty incredible things. Incredible things that require incredible sacrifice. Let's take a massive hike into the wilderness with murmuring brothers and as soon as we make it to our destination let's turn around and put our life on the line to obey the Lord...pretty tough right? Without hesitation though ... Nephi proceeds forward and sacrifices. Joseph Smith gave everything to this church. Eventually his life. He was tarred and feathered, beaten and scourged...and it was all for our Savior. I am sure at many times "their hearts were depressed, and they were about to turn back." -Alma 26:27. However...continue on in this verse and "The Lord comforted them" and "promised success". I know that The Lord will guarantee you the same promise if we sacrifice our all for Him. Your depressed heart can turn into a successful one with The Lord. Don't fear sacrifice! Look for it! Desire it! We LEARN as we DO. We can not progress as spiritual children of God without exercising our spirits and our willingness to follow our Redeemer.
Presidente shared this awesome quote with us in the conference the other translates to...
´´Vision without action is a waste of time. Action without vision is a sleep. The two together work miracles.´´
ACT, Brothers and Sisters. Sacrifice. Sacrifice with a vision and with a purpose. When asked to sacrifice 2 years or 1 1/2 years to save souls accept it gladly and willingly! We should feel honored that our Heavenly Father trusts us with so great a call. Sacrifice everything you have for your family, your friends, and for others. Sacrifice everything you have for everything but yourself. More than anything...sacrifice your soul to this Gospel and to our Savior...because he sacrificed his entire soul and every ounce of spiritual, physical, and emotional pain for you.
Take a moment to enter as your brother cries out to our Father in Heaven in pain for you. Watch His trembling hands clench as He endures your excruciating pains, deepest fears, and natural imperfections. Watch as His white robe turns to red after bleeding from every poor. Watch as He is ridiculed, beaten, and spit upon...and crucified. Watch as He begs our Heavenly Father to forgive those who have afflicted Him, Now after watching your Savior do this for you...what are you willing to do for Him?
And if thou shouldst be cast into the pit, or into the hands of murderers, and the sentence of death passed upon thee; if thou be cast into the deep; if the billowing surge conspire against thee; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the heavens gather blackness, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way; and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.
To sacrifice is to struggle. To sacrifice is to willingly endure challenges because you love. To sacrifice is to become more like Jesus Christ. And at times we are going to feel cast into a pit with fierce winds against us...but it is for an eternal purpose. When we are forced to endure a fraction of what our Savior had to endure or have to suffer a fraction of the physical or mental pain that Jesus Christ had to feel...endure it well. 
The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?
I testify that the Son of Man did indeed descend below them all and did, in fact, atone for us all. There is nothing greater than His love...His example...or His light. After all that He has done for you, me, and is our sacred obligation...and a give it ALL back to Him. All that is in our power. Devote your heart and soul to this truth and to this faith. Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! 
The more you give the more you will get!
Love you all! 
Have a stellar week! And stay safe during the Holiday season!
Elder Noll


Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014

   I am alive! Not that anyone was really wondering...I just thought I would just let you all know ;)
   Last P-DAY was a little crazy...we were in Guayaquil and didn't have any time to write! But here I am! I am okay!
   First I want to say that I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving with family and friends! Hopefully everyone is safe and full :)
   So, two weeks ago Elder P and I constructed a Ping-Pong table...How awesome!? We got the paddles after searching for them for our entire P-DAY...we made it back to the house...anxious to play...I go to serve...wait...we don't have ping pong balls! We searched diligently and could not find any for the longest time, but we finally came across some! So every P-DAY we get our PONG on! Pretty tight! 
   Last week was pretty much the week of service (if I had to put a name to it). We helped a family put a second level on their house...TOUGH work! Concrete, bricks, and heights...three of my favorite things in the world! ;) It really has been fun though! I GOT FRIED though! So I guess that was my Gringo moment of the week...forgot my sunscreen and ended up looking like a tomato for a few days. It was funny to see the concerned looks I was getting from everyone.
    I got to help someone change the oil in their car the other day! Thank goodness for a '73 Bus and an INCREDIBLE Father. I also taught a man how to pop the clutch and start his car with the battery dead! Thank goodness again for a '73 Bus and an INCREDIBLE Father. Everything happens for a reason! Even if your car doesn't always start, it has a plywood window, and gas leaks out the bottom...everything happens for a reason! ;) Haha!
   Hmmmmm...They like to eat fish here this time of year so that has been fun! Too bad they don't gut them! All they do is cut them in thirds (Fourths if it is a big fish) and throw it in a pan and plop them in a soup! How brutal?! So I ate a strait up fish head. Bones, eyes, and honestly did not taste bad, but I felt bad for the poor fish looking me in the eyes as I ate his own head. I guess that counted as my Thanksgiving!
   We found an AMAZING family! There is no doubt in  my mind that The Lord has prepared them for this Gospel at this exact time. We feel so blessed to have been led there by the spirit. They have an adorable little girl! She turns 3 this month...she is so funny. She asked me why my skin is yellow and why my arm hair is white...every lesson since she sits on my lap and pets my arm if I am a dog. It keeps her quiet though! Haha!
   The other day we were fishing water out of a well with a bucket...I was really struggling. For some reason I could not fill the bucket! And the well is so deep that you can't see what's up at the bottom because it is so dark. The members we were helping started busting up. I could not figure out what the deal was. Finally after about 15 minutes of my tomato red, frustrated, foolish looking self trying to get water for this family I pulled the rope up...and the bucket was not even there!!!! I almost lost it! HAHAHAHAH! I am convinced that they knew it the whole time but they were just enjoying themselves too much! 
   We were helping another member that night with her Christmas decorations. She has a MASSIVE box with with so many decorations, ornaments, and fragile things like that. We were doing okay and as soon as she said "be careful", the bottom of the box ripped open and a very large majority of her stuff went crashing to the ground. I felt so bad! Broken Santa Clause heads all around was a NIGHTMARE. But she just shrugged her shoulders and invited us inside for rice and bananas! So we accepted :)
   ¿Que Mas? We are trying to finish up this house for this family, right? We are working on the roof right now. We needed a hammer or something like that so I climbed down to retrieve it. At the same time, Elder G needed to dump the bucket of dirty concrete there I am...casually picking up a hammer like anyone would pick up a hammer...and I am suddenly bombarded with 84 gallons of water...apparently Elder G did not see me below. Haha! So it was refreshing I guess...and it is as close to swimming as I will get for the next little while! Haha! Despite the fact that it was filthy and filled with concrete...
   We went to a place in our sector se llama Hechandia. It is about an hour and a half outside of Ventanas by bus. So we headed out there, my companion and I with 2 members - to preach the gospel! The bus was a lot more expensive than we thought...we were broke...and stranded in Hech-an-freaking-dia...we put together every single one of our nickels, pennies, and dimes and ended up having EXACTLY the right amount to get us 4 back to Ventanas. How cool? No more, no less...If that is not a miracle I am not sure what is!
   Saturday we were in Quevedo for a conference with Juan A. Useda! He is the President of South America Northwest Area and a member of the first quorum of the 70...holy smokes was that awesome! I learned SO much from him...shaking his hand was truly humbling...and I got to do it twice because he came to Ventanas yesterday for another conference in OUR ward! The capilla was filled! So filled that we had to stand up for the whole meeting! So cool! 
   On Saturday since we were in Quevedo I was reunited with mi Hermano, Elder J! We are the same exact numbnuts as we have always been...good grief. I was sitting up in the stands...I forget the word in English...where the speakers sit...where the microphones are...those seats behind the bishop and what not...and Elder J was sitting in one of the first rows in the congregation...and if any of you know Elder J and I you know that we were making faces and making each other laugh! Hopefully the President of the entire Northwest and Member of the seventy did not see...I think with just about 13 years of experience we got away with it though! Haha! It was so great to see him!
   The Christmas Devotional was great! How incredible was the choir though!?
   That was basically the last two weeks!
   Holy smokes...the only difficulty about sharing a spiritual message each and every week is choosing what to share! I could go on for DAYS! I am learning so much every second of every day and am growing so much. I think I just want to testify this week...that way I can touch on more than one thing!
   This church is true. I know it with all of my heart. Of all the churches in the world...all of the religions...all of the blessed I feel to be a part of the only restored and true church. I know that this Gospel was brought to the earth in this dispensation through the hand of God by the Prophet, Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith...a 14 year old boy...saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. That same boy did more for this world in every single aspect ever than anyone to walk the earth ever...with exception to Jesus Christ Himself. I know he was called of God and through the Spirit brought forth the Book of Mormon, which is the word of God and is the most sacred of books on the earth today. I know families are forever. I know that it is only in and through our Savior and His atonement that we are capable to live eternally in the presence of God in His Kingdom. I have a testimony of this "Marvelous Work and a Wonder". I know that we all have lost brothers and sisters. The Lord has lost sheep...and we have all been entrusted by the Almighty God of the universe to strap on our defend this faith...and to save the souls of many. I know that God is a God of miracles. I know it is through Him that Moses was led to dry ground. It was Him who loosened the bands from Nephi's wrists and ankles. It was Him who gave Joseph Smith the ability to translate the Book of Mormon. The Lord is "the same yesterday, today, and forever". The Heavens are open...His work never ceases...and neither do His miracles. Put your trust in Him.
   I know the atonement is real...with all of my heart. I know that it is real and that it is eternal. I know that our Savior took upon Himself the pains, struggles, and weaknesses of this world so that we could find our way home. So that we could have a light to follow and look to. I know walking in the light is hard sometimes. Staying in the light is difficult...but walking in the light and persevering in the light is how we develop more light! Look to our Savior's light and follow! Step by you are in Utah following someone in 3 feet of snow...placing your steps EXACTLY where they place theirs! I have a testimony of the power of conversion. I continue to be converted more and more to this gospel every single day. I have a testimony of prayer. As hard as this life is and as dark as times can get...I know that the Lord will deliver us from our sufferings through prayer. Learn to live in patience. Learn to walk in the darkness...and you will only need to walk in darkness for a little while, if you search for the light (Jesus Christ) and prayer can change your path of darkness to a lit path. As I think of the 2 most powerful events in the history of the world, I can't help but notice the similarity between the two. THE ATONEMENT...the saving grace of the entire universe, the universal lifeline for mankind...started with a prayer. The restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was followed by a prayer by a 14 year old boy. If you think your prayers are insignificant...think again. The two most powerful events in universal...history were followed by prayers...God listens and is on His toes...ready to answer the desires and requests of your heart. I know that Heavenly Father loves His children. He knows you. Perfectly. He knows what is best for you. So don't worry if you have a difficulty or trial in your life right now! It is all apart of His perfect plan for you! Faith in Jesus Christ is CONFIDENCE. Confidence in this plan and in this Gospel. Trust Him. We can do hard things. We were born to do hard things. We committed to do hard things because we knew we would be strong enough to do hard things. God knows we can do hard things and he had enough confidence in us to overcome hard things that he sent us here to this earth to do hard things and become more like him. We can overcome trials. We can do all things through Jesus Christ. We are sons and daughters of a King. You are royalty. Of this I testify of, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Keep Keepin´ Hermanos y Hermanos. Les amo much. Mas que todo...Dios nos ama. Mucho. BASTANTE. SIN termina. SIN la habilidad a comprender.
Hablarè proxima semana! (roughly translated: Brothers and Sisters, I love you very much. Most of all...God loves us...and then something about ending sin and being able to understand...until next week...)
Elder Noll